美友人關切台灣司法公平的連署聲明 st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} JOINT STATEMENT November 4, 2008 US , European and Australian scholars and writers express concern about prosecutions in Taiwan . The undersigned, scholars and writers from the US , Europe and Australia wish to express their deep concern about the recent series of detentions in Taiwan of present and former DPP government officials. To date there have been at least seven such cases (See list below). 以下聯署的國際學者對於近日台灣政府一連串拘留卸任與現任民進黨政府官員的行動,深表憂慮。直至今日,據我們瞭解共有七件類似案件。 It is obvious that there have been cases of corruption in Taiwan , but these have occurred in both political camps. The political neutrality of the judicial system is a 房屋買賣n essential element in a democracy. It is also essential that any accused are considered innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. 很明顯的,貪污這個問題在台灣依然存在,但是這樣的案例在兩大政黨裡均曾發生。司法系統維持政治中立是民主的基本要素。堅持任何被指控者在裁定有罪前均是無罪的法律理念也是必要的。 We also believe that the procedures followed by the prosecutor's offices are severely flawed: while one or two of the accused have been formally charged, the majority is being held incommunicado without being charged. This is a severe contravention of the writ of habeas corpus and a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law. 我們認為檢察官所採取的法律程序有著嚴重的缺失:雖然當一、兩位被指控者已被正式起訴時,大多數被指控者卻在未被正式起訴情況之下就遭到收押禁見。這嚴重違反了 室內裝潢人身保護令以及正當法律程序、公義與法治。 In the meantime, the prosecutor's offices evidently leak detrimental information to the press. This kind of "trial by press" is a violation of the basic standards of judicial procedures. It also gives the distinct impression that the Kuomintang authorities are using the judicial system to get even with members of the former DPP government. In addition, the people who are being held incommunicado are of course unable to defend themselves against the misreporting and the leaks in the news media. 在此同時,檢察官辦公室很明顯地將相關不利消息透露給媒體。這種「透過媒體辦案」的方式違反司法程序的基本標準;也讓外界認為國民黨政府利用司法系統來報復已下台的民進黨政府。此外,被收押禁見的人,在與外界斷絕聯繫的情況下,無法澄清外界不實報導與媒體洩密。 We do firmly believe that any alleged wron 租屋gdoings must be dealt with in a fair and open manner in an impartial court. Justice through the rule of law is essential to Taiwan 's efforts to consolidate democracy and protect fundamental human rights. 我們深信任何宣稱的犯罪行為應該以公正與公開的方式,在中立的法庭裡審判。透過法治落實司法,才能強化台灣民主與保障基本人權。 We do not want to see Taiwan's hard-earned democracy jeopardized in this manner. Taiwan can justifiably be proud of its transition to democracy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It would be sad for Taiwan and detrimental to its international image if the progress which was made during the past 20 years would be erased. Taiwan needs to move forward, not backwards to the unfair and unjust procedures as practiced during the dark days of Martial Law (1947-87). 我們不願見到台灣辛苦得來的民主陷入如此困境。台灣因為?室內裝潢b八零年代後期與九零年早期成功\轉型為民主國家,而引以為傲。如果過去二十年來的民主進 展從此?煞,這不僅將令人難過,台灣的國際形象也將受到嚴害傷害。台灣必須向前邁進,而不應是開倒車回到過去戒嚴黑暗時代的不公與不義。 Signed: 簽署人: Nat Bellocchi(白樂崎), former Chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan   Julian Baum(龐恩), former Taiwan Bureau Chief, Far Eastern Economic Review Coen Blaauw(昆布老), Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Washington DC David Prager Branner(布萊納), Director at Large ( East Asia ), American Oriental Society Gordon G. Chang(章家敦), author, "The Coming Collapse of China." June Teufel Dreyer(金德芳), Professor of Political Science, University of Miami, Florida Edward Friedman(傅利曼), Professor of Political Science and East Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin , Madison Bruce Jacobs(家博), Professo 關鍵字廣告r of Asian Languages and Studies, Monash University , Melbourne , Australia Richard C. Kagan(卡根), Professor Emeritus of History, Hamline University , St. Paul Minnesota Jerome F. Keating(季亭), Associate Professor, National Taipei University (Ret.). Author, "Island in the Stream, a quick case study of Taiwan's complex history" and other works on Taiwan Daniel Lynch(林奇), Associate Professor, School of International Relations, University of Southern California Victor H. Mair(邁爾), Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Pennsylvania Donald Rodgers(羅傑斯), Associate Professor of Political Science, Austin College, Texas Terence Russell(羅素), Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Manitoba Scott Simon(賽門), Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Ottawa John J. Tkacik Jr.(譚慎格), Senior Resea 澎湖民宿rch Fellow, The Heritage Foundation, Washington DC Gerrit van der Wees(偉杰理), Editor Taiwan Communique, Washington DC Vincent Wei-cheng Wang(王維政), Professor of Political Science, University of Richmond, Virginia Arthur Waldron(林霨), Lauder Professor of International Relations, University of Pennsylvania Stephen Yates, President of DC Asia Advisory and former Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ Specific cases of concern: -- The arrest and detention on October 15th of former Interior minister Yu Cheng-hsien(余政憲); -- The arrest and detention on October 27th of former Hsinchu Science Park Director and Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection Dr. James Lee(李界木); -- The arrest and detention on October 29th of DPP Chiayi County Commissioner Chen Ming-wen(陳明文); -- The in 裝潢dictment on October 30th of DPP Tainan City Councilor Wang Ting-yu(王定宇); -- The arrest and detention on October 31st of former National Security Council (NSC) secretary-general and Deputy Prime Minister Chiou I-jen(邱義仁); -- The questioning of former Foreign Minister Dr. Mark Chen(陳唐山) on November 3rd and insinuations in the press that he might be charged and arrested. -- The arrest and detention on November 4th of DPP Yunlin County Magistrate Ms. Su Chih-fen(蘇治芬). 轉引來源:http://www.1949er.org/chat/index.php3?read+1225845487 美友人連署 關切台灣司法公平 ■自由(2008.11.06) 〔駐美特派員曹郁芬、記者劉志原、楊國文/華府—台北連線報導〕台灣前扁政府官員及民進黨縣長最近紛紛遭到逮捕和羈押,引起美國友人關切,前美國在台協會理事主席白樂崎、前美國副總統辦公室亞洲顧問葉望輝等二十人,四日發表一份連署聲明,擔心台灣的司法公平受到挑戰。 收押前政府官員不符程序 密切關注此事的台灣人公共事務會(FAPA)成員也參?九份民宿P連署。FAPA表示,台灣政府不符合司法程序,收押與起訴民進黨政府官員的類似案件已有七件。共同聲明四日已寄送給台灣的司法院長賴英照與法務部長王清峰。 司法院長與法務部長辦公室人員昨天均表示,未收到白樂崎等人的書信。法務部長王清峰的核心幕僚並表示,王清峰歡迎各界提供司法改革的建言,法務部都會加以重視。 聲明中表示,貪污在台灣依然存在,不過類似案例在兩大政黨裡都曾發生。司法系統維持政治中立是民主的基本要素,堅持任何被告在裁定有罪前均是無罪的法律理念也是必要的。 聲明指出,檢察官所採取的法律程序有著嚴重缺失,多位被告在未被正式起訴前就遭到收押禁見。這嚴重違反了人身保護令以及正當法律程序、公義與法治。 聲明中指責,台灣檢察官辦公室明顯地將不利消息透露給媒體。這種「透過媒體辦案」的方式違反司法程序的基本標準;也讓外界認為國民黨政府利用司法系統來報復已下台的民進黨政府。此外,被收押禁見的人,在與外界斷絕聯繫的情況下,無法澄清外界不實報導。 連署人表示,他們深信任何宣稱的犯罪行為應該以公正與公開的方式,在中立的法庭裡審判。透過法治落實司法,才能強化台灣民?酒店工作D與保障基本人權。 聲明中說,台灣已成功轉型為民主國家,如果過去二十年來的民主進展遭到抹煞,不但令人難過,台灣的國際形象也將受到嚴重傷害。台灣必須向前邁進,而不應開倒車回到過去戒嚴黑暗時代的不公與不義。 聲明寄送賴英照、王清峰 其他參與連署的還包括:美國傳統基金會資深研究員譚慎格、邁阿密大學政治系教授金德芳、賓州大學國際關係學院教授林霨、瑞奇蒙大學政治系教授王維政、賓州大學中 文系 教授邁爾、美國東方協會東亞部主任布萊納、威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區的政治與東亞研究教授傅利曼、漢姆萊大學教授卡根、蒙尼託巴大學中 文系 教授羅素、前遠東經濟評論駐台代表龐恩、台灣人公共事務會昆布老、「中國即將崩潰」一書作者章家敦、澳洲蒙那 許大學 教授家博、南加大國際關係學院副教授林奇、德州奧斯汀大學政治系副教授羅傑斯、加拿大渥太華大學人類學與社會學教授賽門、台北大學退休副教授季亭,及華府「台灣公論報」主編偉杰理等。http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2008/new/nov/6/today-fo6.htm .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 部落格  .

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